Animated Shorts

In early 2007, my colleague Chris Jordan and I created Confessions, an inexpensive series of animated shorts which brought to life tales of videogame-related woe.  Below are the pilot episode, Grand Theft Auto, and an episode called Obsession, which I wrote while in the midst of producing the Re\Visioned: Tomb Raider series.  All seven original episodes of Confessions are now available for viewing on GameTap’s YouTube channel, and a special episode featuring Weird Al Yankovic is available here.

Confessions: Grand Theft Auto

One of GameTap TV’s most popular series is A Day in the Extra Life, which focuses on the extra lives that hang out at the bottom of the screen of classic arcade games, waiting for their turn to get into the game.  The original episodes of the series were produced by GameTap’s advertising agency, but new episodes were to be produced in house.  The episode presented to the right, Defender: Performance Art, was our second season pilot.

Images and content herein are the property of and Copyright 2007 & 2008 GameTap/TGN, Inc./Turner Broadcasting System, and are presented for the sole purpose of representing my work.  Lara Croft, Tomb Raider is a trademark and property of Eidos, Inc.  Freeway, Pressure Cooker, and Cosmic Ark are trademarks and properties of Activision, Inc.  Defender is a trademark and property of Midway Games, Inc.

(Click image to view Quicktime Movie)